What is the value of a computational study (CFD) without knowing what is of influence and important to model into detail? What accuracy you may expect from a computer simulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics)?
Did you ever perform an experiment that had been modelled and did you wonder where the differences came from? Which differences do you consider credible: the experimental or the computational?
This new one day course will show you the best way how to model your thermal problems. It is taught by the experts from OTS. They have the knowledge about all ins- and outs of thermal modeling and experimental testing. The course is a combination of theory, computational and experimental modeling. The computational studies will be performed with 6SigmaET from Future Facilities. Of course you may also bring your own software package and check how well this correlates with the experimental tests that will be performed in the thermal laboratory of OTS. Besides the problem thesis we offer, you are most welcome to present your own problem thesis during the course.
A basic understanding of thermal management is required and (some) experience with computational modeling is recommended to be able to participate in this course.
Course description:
- How to model your problem in CFD? What is important?
- Importing of MCAD data: determination of what detail is necessary.
- Boundary conditions.
- Gridding.
- Radiation: switch on or off.
- Tips and tricks for CFD and experimental modeling.
- Analytical calculations.
- Exercises for computational modeling.
- Exercises for experimental modeling.
In order to ensure sufficient personal interaction the maximum number of participants is 6 – 8.
Location: OTS Bussum
Price: € 595,– excl. VAT– including coffee & lunch.
Date: check our calendar voor the dates.
Option: do you prefer an in-house training? Please contact us for the possibilities.